Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Difference between Corolla & Corolla Light?

Less calories? We%26#39;re taking our first trip to OBX in a few weeks and I had no idea there was a Corolla Light.

Difference between Corolla %26amp; Corolla Light?

Corolla Light is an area within Corolla. If you are in the Corolla Light area, you will have use of wonderful amenenties, such as the trolley, the pools, and the sports complex. Oh.....and yes, they did take the calories out of all the fattening foods there. LOL

Difference between Corolla %26amp; Corolla Light?

Here%26#39;s the website:

There%26#39;s a link to click on the community rentals.

It%26#39;s a resort...or sort of like a beautifully planned sub-division within Corolla.

I noticed elsewhere you mentioned a 4x4. That would be more for Carova, just north, right?

You might even be staying in Corolla Light Resort? Or Currituck Club?

We rented a house in Corolla so I guess I%26#39;m not staying in Corolla Light. I wanted to hit the 4x4 trails to see some horses. I%26#39;ll probably end up renting a jeep though.

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