Hee hee hee.
Ok - Looking at Outer Banks this summer for vacation. Either end of June or sometime in August - lots of free time this summer. We will be driving from Michigan.
From my search of TA, it seems Corolla is the most logical place for my family. We have 2 adults, 6 and 4 yo. My oldest swims like a fish, the younger, not so much. I will happily look at any other suggestions of areas to stay.
Can someone please point me in the right direction - we are looking for either a condo/hotel/house with 1-2 bedrooms, kitchen, pool and most importantly is beachfront or at least beach view.
Is there any lodging near to a village area, biking, putt putt golfing, etc? I%26#39;ve read about Ocean Hill area, Whalehead. I looked at the Corolla light website, but only could find houses for around $10,000. I am now confused and need help...lol
We like to bike, kayak, eat out for breakfast, shell, play in the ocean. We are also planning to visit the aquarium, on our quest to %26#39;find Nemo%26#39; for our 4 year old. ( can you now guess where fuzzy mommy brain comes in???)
So, generally help with rental agencies, hotels, price ranges and a good reference book would leave me much appreciative.
Thank you!!!!
Rental agency question and other fuzzy mommy brain help.
Of course, as soon as I posted, I found OBX connection, I see lots of rental info there.
Rental agency question and other fuzzy mommy brain help.
I prefer the Kill Devil Hills area. The road north from Kitty Hawk to Corolla is one lane each way and in the summer, crawls. You mentioned going to the aquarium. That is on Roanoke Island, which is about an hour from Corolla. From KDH, 15 minutes.
There are many restaurants and touristy things nearer to KDH, and you have to climb to the top of Jockeys Ridge one day, which is in Nags Head. I pushed both of my kids, when they were young, in a jogging stroller to the top, twice each.
The next part is finding a place that is affordable. Corolla is filled with huge houses with huge prices. The prices further south are less, and at this time, you may have problems finding a place that works for you.
Check out outerbanks.org, and search the ';where to stay'; and look for rentals. All the companies will be listed and you can do some random searches for smaller properties, on the ocean etc. Remember to search for semi-ocean front too, as those are probably on the beach but may have a building 1 lot closer to the beach in the same complex.
Aha! thank you, just the info I was looking for. I did start looking further south, I remember being on one of the islands when I was a kid. The island where the first flight was, so that must be Kill Devil Hills. I%26#39;ve always wanted to go back.
Thank you!
North of Kitty Hawk (duck, whalehead, corolla, ocean hill) is quieter, more family oriented, larger multi bedroom houses, more upscale, fewer nightlife choices. The typical renters seem to be big extended families: Grandparents, their marriend adult children, all the grandkids, freinds of the grandkids. Or the big house are split by very friendly families. Thus $10,000 a week houses are being split between 3-5 couples, each with 3-5 SUVs or minivans parked in front.
Kitty Hawk and south to Nags Head is much more crowded, has big roads, more shopping centers, more restaurants, more accomadoations for small groups, more options for the nightlife crowd.
There are smaller townhouses/condos in Corolla Light. I found one called Surf Riding that looked very cute and had a hot tub. They also have a community pool and amenities there, as well. This house was about $2K in August.
We%26#39;re renting a 5 bedroom, 3 bath home 1 block off the beach in Corolla for just $1500 the last week of June, so there are some less expensive places available up there. Some realtors focus on the high-end places. Check out Sun Realty and Beach Realty for a larger selection of homes to choose from.
Forgot to mention . . . The real trade-offs between Corolla and the middle beaches like Nagshead and Kill Devil Hills are as follows:
Middle Beaches
- 4 lane highway makes traffic flow well
- lots more restaurants and activities available
- lots more beach houses and thus many more people on the beach
- beach is narrow, sand is often course, and waves more treacherous with sharp drop offs
- 2 lane road, traffic can be a bear at times
- fewer restaurants and shops available, but there are very nice choices especially if you include Duck as being only 10-20 minutes away
- far fewer homes and thus beaches far less crowded
- beaches are wide, sand is very soft, and waves much more family friendly and little to no drop offs
We love Corolla!! It is quiet and family friendly. There is plenty to do and easy access to shopping, mini golf, etc. We have always used Carolina Designs when renting a house
Have fun!
Thank you for all the info and advice. I appreciate everyone%26#39;s time, I have a lot of research ahead of me.
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