We made it to Ocracoke May 5-9 (Tues-Sat). Thanks to everyone for your great recommendations.
We stayed in a 2 bedroom Cottage at Edwards of Ocracoke. It was really very nice. We had tried to get a courtyard room, but not available the Friday we stayed so paid a bit more for the Cottage and it was well worth the extra. These are up on pilings, with parking underneath and screened porches. Nice hammock down below. This place was excellent, the staff was very nice and helpful and the location was perfect in neighborhood away from the Friday revels.
We ate out only once at Atlantic Cafe. We both had Flounder and it was good, much better than up at Darrel%26#39;s in Manteo. Good cut of fish, well cooked. Good place to eat.
We checked out Teach%26#39;s Hole exhibit. It was worth the money with coupon just to learn about Blackbeard. If you know the history, probably not worth the visit.
Went to Springer Point and that was a very nice walk. A must see. Rode bikes over due to no car parking (plus we just enjoyed parking the car and biking around). Went by the lighthouse too.
Went to beach across from Pony corral and up at north end near ferry. Shelling was really nice up at North end. Did not get to the South end beach. It was really beautiful to see the dunes stretch as far as you could see when you crossed. And the beaches are very pretty and uncrowded. The surf is awesome to look at but rough for swimming.
We missed the preservation museum, just ran out of time the day we left as we were able to bump our ferry ride to Cedar Island up to 1030 from 2. Got us home before midnight Sat.
Overall our visit to Ocracoke was excellent. We needed the laid back time to recover from lots of activities up at Nag%26#39;s Head (will write that report later). If you fish I am sure it would be even better as that seems to be a major activity.
But even without we really loved the beaches, the laid back atmosphere, being able to ride our bicycles everywhere we went and get there in less than 5 minutes. We did drive to the beaches, but we wanted to get to the ones up north.
To me Ocracoke is a great place if you don%26#39;t require the loads of fast food and tacky recreation spots of typical beach tourist places.
We loved our visit and hope to come back someday.
Our Ocracoke Visit May 5-9,09Sounds like you had a really great trip-read you other post too. Thanks for sharing! We are counting the days till our trip 3rd week in June!
Our Ocracoke Visit May 5-9,09Glad you had a great time. Thanks for taking the time to post your review......
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